Sunday, August 31, 2008

Waiting on Second Appt

We have our second SDA meeting this coming Wednesday at 4pm. This is about 9am midsouth time. Please continue to pray. Ukraine is a beautiful place and most of the people seems to want to help those that find themselves not knowing the language. Michael and I have spent a lot of time walking and walking and walking. The waiting has gotten very old quick. We are ready for the second appt and to get on with it. Whatever it is. The Lord knows our hearts. We have had many talks with him. If it is meant to be than it will happen. If not we will be upset but have had an adventure and hopefully one step closer to finding our children. We pray it is here and we do not go to plan D. For those that are reading this and know me. You know we originally want little boys under 4. We are willing to look at boys under 6.. The SDA really want us to look at older children like 10. We feel we are not ready for that age and will not go over 6. Therefore our wishes and the SDA may differ. We are still praying for 2 little boys under 5. Please pray the Lord will make us strong and quiet to hear him speak to us during the next appt.


Robert and Kim Clark said...

We are praying for your heart's desire and that God's will will be accomplished. We are also adopting from the Ukraine and are looking forward to the day that we'll be there where you are now! May the Lord light your path and lead you each moment each day to your children.

Tami said...

We are praying. We too had a difficult time in Ukraine finding our little girl...thankfully, the Lord knew exactly where she was. We have been home seven months now and wouldn't change our little Maddie for anything. Take comfort. God knows exactly where your little guys are.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Sorry to hear the first didn't work out, praying for God's wisdom and peace on the second appointment!

junglemama said...

I wish you the best.

Unknown said...

Net! i cant get in touch with you! congrats on getting there... tell me what college you were in the sorority in. can you text me there or no? also are you busy there or chillin if youre needin stuff to do i would love a rec letter or if not can i talk to your friend for one... text me and let me know how its goin if you can... love you

Zack, Jenn and William said...

Praying that your second appointment was successful...

Stefanie and Bill said...

We are in Ukraine right now and were originally approved for three children under age 6. We made the decision before we left have our home study and change our age with the USCIS to 8. We had that document in our back pocket at our meeting. We are currently in our 10 day wait to adopt 3 boys ages 7.5, almost 5 and almost 2. I tell you this to encourage you because our oldest is the sweetest and gentlest and generous boy AND he is wearing size 5 clothing. So although these children may be older in age, they are quite immature physically and in their life experiences. Fear not, the Lord will light your path.