Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our translator has had our paperwork for a few weeks now. We FedXed it Oct 23. However , the SDA will stop accepting dossier in Dec. What is means is we will not be in Ukraine Christmas or New Years and will be miss most of the very cold weather. That is a good thing. We just might be there for Easter. That would be great!
It has help us so much by reading other blogs. It keeps me focused on the big picture and the goal. I often wonder if we will be able to this, go to another country where we do not speak the language and be successful at finding our children. Then I think, you know if all of these other people can do this , do can we. It is a blessing to be able to follow their journey. God will provide.

Right now our house hold is in hunting season mode. Michael and Harvey are getting ready to go to Il , Pike co. to find that big one. You know the one. Michael's knee is progressing. It has been 4 months after knee replacement and he is going to try and go back to work and the 17 of this month. Please pray for him as he continues to recover.


adoptedthree said...

What an exciting time to begin your adoption. I found your blog on FRUA. Thanks for sharing and the Spring is a wonderful time to travel.

Susan & Truman said...

Just stopping by to say I ran across your blog today. Hope you get a travel date SOON!! Also, I have a friend who runs a hunting outfit in Pike County, IL. Small world!