Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We are officially in count down mode. Our dossier has been submitted to the SDA!!!! YEA!!!! The last several days have been really hard. I have had a lot of doubts and was just plan scared. Are we doing the right thing? The devil got a hold and starting shaking me. I told him to back off last night and for God to make me calm and peaceful. Which of course he has done just that. We should know when travel dates are by the end of June

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another Delay

Well the day came and went. We got am e-mail saying there was a little something wrong with the medical paperwork.. Numbers for the HIV test were left off. I am so scatterbrain. I never saw the numbers were not there when I sent it in Jan. So we quickly had that fixed and sent it again yesterday.. The PRAYER of the week. That Fedx delivers before Monday because our facilitator say he has until the 27th to get the paper work in. GOOD GRIEF are we on a rollercoaster or what. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I thing it has just begun. On the lighter side I did take Tuesday off and Michael and I got to spend the day together. We drove the medical forms to Jackson, Ms and back to get the apostilles.. It was quicker and sending them Fedx..

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I am sitting on our back patio watching my babies ( the dogs ) play in the grass. Lady and Bear are going to love playing with children. They are so gentle to be so big. Not to much to report on our travels. the SDA will have our paper work on May 14. By the end of June we should know travel dates.

Ukrainian law has changed. Singles and couples 45 years older than the child they wish to adopt are no longer able to. I hate to even type this because Ukraine is making a Hugh mistake.

These children deserve a loving home so they can grow up to become great adults. It must be very challenging to live in a country once ruled by communism. You get used to the government doing everything for you including raising your children. I know there are wonderful people in Ukraine that love and care for children. I pray that someday they all will know that God loves them and that they can live without government doing everything for them. Right now in Ukraine there are missionaries that are trying to reach children. One such outreach is crossroads. Check out the blog god is truly doing great things in Ukraine.